Monday, January 13, 2014



Ashish, Senglim and I (Simon Mahood) went to Oudong for Saturday morning (11 January 2014).

Ashish and I had seen a lot of Cambodian Tailorbirds there in October, but little else. On this day we saw few Cambodian Tailorbirds (either because most of them had moved back down to the floodplain or because they were vocalising less or because I should have got more sleep the previous night).

We also saw male and female White-throated Rock-thrush, Taiga Fly and 3 Asian Brown Fly, i.e. little else. The thrushes were very elusive and amounted to nothing more than glimpses, so this really all felt like some of the worst birding I've experienced in Cambodia.

Here is a dreadful photo of Cambodian Tailorbird to prove that they occur in proper trees on a small hill, not just in floodplain scrub (contra Mahood et al 2013).

If you are visiting Cambodia and want to see Cambodian Tailorbird then Oudong is the easiest place to find where the birds occur. Just get in a tuk tuk and ask to go to Oudong.


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